Here, we plot the Niblett-Bostick depth as a function of period/frequency for one site.
In [1]:
# Import required modules
import os
from mtpy.imaging import penetration_depth1d as pd1d
# Define edi file
edi_file = r"C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi_files_2/Synth00.edi"
# Define file to save to
save_file = r"C:/tmp/penetration_depth1d.png"
# Create a plot of penetration depth and save to file
pd1d.plot_edi_file(edi_file, savefile=save_file, fig_dpi=400)
Here, we plot the Niblett-Bostick depth as a function of distance along a profile, for selected periods
In [2]:
#Import required modules
from mtpy.imaging import penetration_depth2d as pen2d
#Define a path containing all the edi files in the profile & a savepath
edi_path = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/mtpy/data/edifiles'
savepath = r'C:/tmp/plot.png'
# Choose indices of periods to plot
period_index_list = [0, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 59]
# Plot profiles for different modes ('det','zxy' or 'zyx')
pen2d.plot2Dprofile(edi_path, period_index_list,
'det', marker='o', save=True,savepath=savepath,
# To save any of these figures:
#plt.savefig(os.path.join(savepath,'penetration_depth_profile.png'), dpi=400)
Here, we plot the Niblett-Bostick depth for one period, and interpolate between stations on a map.
In [ ]:
#Import required modules
from mtpy.imaging import penetration_depth3d as pen3d
# Set path to edi files to include in the plot and define savepath
edi_path = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# Create plot for period index number 10 for determinant
pen3d.plot_latlon_depth_profile(edi_path, 10, 'det', showfig=True,
savefig=True, savepath=savepath,
fontsize=11, fig_dpi=400, file_format='png')
In the next examples we will plot phase tensor maps (after Caldwell et al., 2004 & Bibby et al. 2005) and induction vectors. In these and later maps, there are many different parameters that can be varied, and generally there will be some tweaking that will need to be done to get the parameters (e.g. ellipse scaling) perfect for publication-quality plots. Note that some parameter tweaks can be done later (e.g. in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape) if you save the plot to a vector graphic format like .eps and we recommend this as it can take hours to get all the parameters perfect!
In this example we plot all edi files from a directory as a phase tensor map for a selected frequency, with real induction vectors (Parkinson convention) overlain. There are quite a few parameters you can adjust, feel free to spend some time with this example updating them and viewing the result.
In [ ]:
# Import required modules
from mtpy.imaging.phase_tensor_maps import PlotPhaseTensorMaps
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# directory containing edis
edi_path = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi2'
# full path to file to save to
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# frequency to plot
plot_freq = 1e-2
# name image according to plot frequency
image_fn = 'phase_tensor_map%1is'%(int(1./plot_freq))+'.png'
# gets edi file names as a list
edi_list = [os.path.join(edi_path,ff) for ff in os.listdir(edi_path) \
if ff.endswith('.edi')]
# generate plot
ptmap = PlotPhaseTensorMaps(fn_list = edi_list,
plot_freq = plot_freq , # frequency to plot
fig_size = (4,3), # x, y dimensions of figure
xpad = 0.02, ypad = 0.02, # pad around stations
plot_tipper = 'yr', # 'y' + 'r' and/or 'i' to plot
# real and/or imaginary
edgecolor='k', # a matplotlib colour or None for no borders
lw=0.5, # linewidth for the ellipses
minorticks_on=False, # whether or not to turn on minor ticks
ellipse_colorby='skew', # 'phimin', 'phimax', or 'skew'
ellipse_range = [-12,12,2], # [min,max,step]
ellipse_size=0.01, # scaling factor for the ellipses
arrow_head_width=0.002, # scaling for arrows (head width)
arrow_head_length=0.002, # scaling for arrows (head length)
ellipse_cmap='bwr', # matplotlib colormap
station_dict={'id':(5,7)} ,
cb_dict = {'position':
[1.05,0.2,0.02,0.3]}, # colorbar position [x,y,dx,dy]
# save the plot
If you want to plot some other image in the background (e.g. gravity) you can load it as follows & plot (the example below uses a Bouguer anomaly grid in netCDF format)
For this example you will need to install netcdf4 if it's not there already. Type the following into your command prompt:
conda install netcdf4
In [ ]:
# Import the netCDF4 module
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
# load a netcdf file
grav = Dataset(r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/gravity/')
glon, glat = np.meshgrid(grav.variables['lon'],grav.variables['lat'])
vals = grav.variables['Band1'][:]
'cbar_title':'Gravity, gu',
'cbar_position':[1.05,0.6,0.02,0.3]} )
In this example we plot phase tensors for all frequencies from some edi files located along a transect.
In [ ]:
# import required modules
from mtpy.imaging.phase_tensor_pseudosection import PlotPhaseTensorPseudoSection
import os
# path to edis
edi_path = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi_files_2'
# save path
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# edi list
edi_list=[os.path.join(edi_path,edi) for edi in os.listdir(edi_path) \
if ((edi.endswith('.edi')))]
# dictionary containing ellipse properties
ellipse_dict = {'ellipse_colorby':'phimin', # phimin, phimax, skew,
# skew_seg
'ellipse_range':[0,90]} # Color limits. If plotting
# skew_seg need to provide
# 3 numbers, the 3rd indicates
# interval, e.g. [-12,12,3]
# create a plot object
ptsection = PlotPhaseTensorPseudoSection(fn_list = edi_list,
linedir='ns', # 'ns' if the line is closer to north-south,
# 'ew' if line is closer to east-west
stretch=(17,8), # determines (x,y) aspect ratio of plot
station_id=(0,10), # indices for showing station names
plot_tipper = 'yri', # plot tipper ('y') + 'ri' for real+imag
ptsection.ellipse_size = 2.
ptsection.save_figure(save_fn = os.path.join(savepath,'PhaseTensorSection.pdf'),
Plot apparent resitivity for a selected period, for an array of sites. Resistivity values are interpolated between sites
In [ ]:
# Import required modules
from mtpy.imaging.plot_resphase_maps import PlotResPhaseMaps
import os
# Define edi path and save path
edipath = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# Make an edi list
edi_list = [os.path.join(edipath,ff) for ff in os.listdir(edipath) \
if ff.endswith('.edi')]
# Define plot frequency
freq = 0.001
# Initialise a plot object
prp = PlotResPhaseMaps(fn_list=edi_list,
# plot resistivity
f = prp.plot(freq,
1, 100, # limits in resistivity. Can be provided as a number
# or a 2x2 array to give different limits for
# different components
nn=3, p=3,
extrapolation_buffer_degrees=0.05, # how far to extrapolate
regular_grid_nx=40, # number of x grid points
regular_grid_ny=40, # number of x grid points
cmap='bwr_r', # colour map
# save plot
Similarly, you can plot phase as an interpolated map.
In [ ]:
# plot phase
f = prp.plot(freq, # frequency to plot
'phase', # phase or res
np.array([[-180,0], # minimum phase
[0,-180]]), # for colour stretch
np.array([[180,90], # maximum phase
[90,180]]), # for colour stretch
nn=3, p=3,
extrapolation_buffer_degrees=0.05, # how far to extrapolate
regular_grid_nx=40, # number of x grid points
regular_grid_ny=40, # number of y grid points
cmap='bwr_r', # colour map
# save plot
Plot apparent resistivity and phase as a function of period for several sites located along a transect
In [ ]:
# Import required modules
import os
import mtpy.imaging.plotpseudosection as pps
# define edi path and savepath
edi_path = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi_files'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# list all edi files in directory
edi_list = [os.path.join(edi_path,ff) for ff in os.listdir(edi_path) \
if (ff.endswith('.edi'))]
# make a plot
pps.PlotResPhasePseudoSection(fn_list = edi_list,
linedir='ns', # 'ns' or 'ew' - approximate line
# orientation
plot_xx = 'n', # plot xx component 'y' or 'n'
plot_xy = 'y', # plot xy component 'y' or 'n'
plot_yx = 'y', # plot yx component 'y' or 'n'
plot_yy = 'n', # plot yy component 'y' or 'n'
res_limits=[0,3], # log resistivity limits
phase_limits=[0,90], # log phase limits
shift_yx_phase = True, # True or False
plot_style='pcolormesh' # 'pcolormesh' or 'imshow'